Infrastruktur Management

Infrastructure Management Report


The array of features and functionality available today in Infrastructure Management products has been conveniently displayed in a tabular format in this section of the Report. This will enable the differences and similarities between products to be seen at a glance. This table features the products that Butler Group believes are playing an important role in the Infrastructure Management market and, as such, they formed the basis of the research carried out for the purpose of writing this Report. This section also features a score chart, which combines the individual scores given to each product featured in a Technology Audit to enable comparison and ranking of the products reviewed. Each product was scored according to seven different categories to give as fair an overall view of the product as possible.

Section Seven - Comparisons

The main aim of this new style Butler Group Report is to provide comparison between the products in the Infrastructure Management market. This section discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the specific offerings included in this Report as Butler Group Technology Audits, covering both market and product strategies.

Section Eight - Technology Audits

Butler Group examined a selection of the leading Infrastructure Management solutions on the market, chosen specifically to give a view of wide spectrum of diverse offerings available today. This comprehensive examination of various vendors' technologies and strategies is reproduced in the detailed review documents in this section. These Technology Audits, which form the basis of the research in this Report, are presented in their entirety in this section, and include background information on the vendors, along with contact details.

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