
Integration Strategies Report

Zielvorstellung der Integration ist eine flexible IT-Achitektur, die rasch auf geschäftliche Entwicklungen reagieren kann. Dafür ist eine Strategie unabdingbar, argumentieren die Analysten der Butler Group, die sich nicht auf die technische Herausforderung beschränkt, sondern auch Geschäftsprozesse berücksichtigt.

Butler Group believes that integration has become the number one priority for organisations as they strive to create a flexible IT architecture. However, despite the arrival of new technologies, and the assertions of vendors that their products can meet this challenge, research indicates that integration projects are substantially failing. To compound the problem, new initiatives such as CRMCRM and Enterprise Portals, have imposed an additional burden, and organisations are struggling to move beyond an unmanageable jumble of quick-fix solutions. Alles zu CRM auf

Business Issues

Integration has to be viewed as a business problem that has both a technical and a business solution. One of the major problems with current integration practice is that it tends to deal with the technical to the exclusion of the business. Only by aligning these two aspects can an organisation build an extensible integration framework, and central to this imperative is an in-depth understanding of the processes that drive the business.

Butler Group believes that integration is running into problems because:

If this predicament is to be overcome, then there must be fundamental changes to integration strategy, and vendors must bridge the wide gap that exists between their product proposition and the reality of where customers are today.

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