Storage Management und Colocation Services

Jährlich verdoppelt sich der Datenbestand in den Unternehmen, und der Bedarf an effizienten Management-Lösungen für Storage Area Networks (SAN) wächst. Die Anbieter von SAN-Lösungen konkurrieren dabei mit erweiterten Colocation-Services. Zwei kürzlich erschienene Berichte der Yankee Group beleuchten die Entwicklung.

Storage Management: Vital to Storage Area Networks

Data continues to drive the need for better management, as storage doubles annually. StorageStorage management is crucial to storage area network (SAN) market development, as it provides tools to automate and simplify administrative tasks that help information systems (IS) professionals move their systems to a storage utility model. As service providers and enterprises move forward in piloting and deploying production-level SANs today, a number of storage management segments will grow as companies are forced to find better ways to manage storage. Key growth segments include storage virtualization, storage resource management (SRM), and SAN fabric management (see Exhibit 1). Alles zu Storage auf

Challenges remain. Finding the right set of storage management tools to meet specific enterprise requirements is difficult, since the market is fragmented by management point products and storage system platform-specific management tools. For vendors, the challenge is to provide a single, unified view of storage; support for heterogeneous storage management; and storage management tools that are application-aware.

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