Tado turns on Amazon Alexa support for its smart A/C control

Tado debuted a small improvement to its smart A/C control device, offering customers the option to use Amazon’s Alexa digital assistant to control Tado-connected air conditioners. To use it, all you’ll need do is add the Alexa Tado skill in your Amazon account.

The Tado device renders otherwise dumb air-conditioning units programmable, and multiple units can work together to control air conditioners in different rooms of your home. So a simple phrase like “Alexa, set living room to 68 degrees,” or “Alexa, increment (or decrement to decrease) living room by two degrees” will change the target temperatures for the A/C units in those rooms accordingly.

Tado is using Amazon's smart-home API to make its voice commands sound a little more natural. Many skills require you to first tell Alexa excactly which device you want to control ("Alexa, tell `Life-Ex` to make my lights blue," for example). In Tado's case, Alexa automatically associates rooms and temperature targets with Tado's A/C controller—although using words like "increment" and "decrement" might seem a bit odd.

The impact on your home: Tado is available now for $180, but you'll need one for the air conditioner in each room if you don't have central air. It seems like Tado has done an excellent job tapping Alexa's abilities.


Ed Oswald

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