15 times when people totally judge you for using your phone

You might think that you have spotless smartphone etiquette, but you’re almost certainly incorrect. That’s okay, we all do stupid things with our smartphones once in a while.

But just because we slip up every now and then and do something stupid like risk our lives for the perfect selfie doesn’t mean we don’t totally judge other people using their phones inappropriately. Here are 15 things we do with our phones that cause everyone around us to pass swift, harsh judgment:

We can tell you used an app to make your eyelashes longer and your lips shinier. And then you had the gall to label it #nofilter.

Or when you spend all your time on vacation Instagramming photos of how awesome your vacation is. Guess what We know it can’t be that awesome, or you wouldn’t have time to post 8,703 pictures to Instagram every six seconds.

Texting like a 13-year-old girl is fine if you’re texting your significant other. But if you’re texting someone who’s not really, really close, please use proper grammar and spelling.

You’re not fooling anyone by hiding your phone under your jacket. I’m pretty sure your Twitter feed can wait for a whole two hours while you lose yourself in the world of cinema.

Hey, I won’t judge you if you want to send sexy pics to your lover. But unsolicited sexy pics are something that should never, ever, and I mean ever happen.

It’s one thing to play Candy Crush on the toilet. It’s another thing to take a phone call while you’re on the john. And then flush. Yes, we hear you. And yes, we judge you.

You might not be using speakerphone, but you sound just as idiotic when you have a one-sided conversation with your girlfriend that should…probably be kept private.

Butt-dials happen, but whoever’s on the other line totally judges you based on what they hear. Especially if they happen to employ you.

A study by PornHub and Mic.com says that 60 percent of millennials use their smartphones as their porn-viewing device of choice. That’s cool and all, but the one time you forget that you were watching porn and you open your web browser on your smartphone to show your coworkers a funny cat video Judgment city.

We all check our smartphones a little obsessively. But if you can’t go five minutes without aimlessly scrolling through your apps, you look like a crazy person.

You may not have paid full price for it, but your smartphone is a $600+ device. I know it looks better “naked,” but it’s a $600 device. Are you insane

I really hope “phone pinching” isn’t a real thing, but in case it is, let me reiterate. This is a $600 device, you moron.

If you can use your phone while walking, good for you. If you can’t, yes, you are being judged. Every single time you walk into a wall, fall into a fountain, or almost get killed by a speeding car.

Everybody (or almost everybody) takes a nude selfie once in a while—no judgment! It’s when you leave it on your phone for someone to accidentally see when they’re swiping through your vacation pics that judgment comes into play.

If you post photos of yourself committing crimes on Facebook, you are not cool. You’re an idiot. And I have no sympathy for whatever repercussions may befall you.


Sarah Jacobsson Purewal