Accenture opens interactive innovation centre in France's Silicon Valley

Accenture, a multinational IT services, consulting and outsourcing company, has opened a new innovation centre in the South of France where it hopes to show brands like Vodafone and Unilever how they can better serve their customers with technology.

The Accenture Interactive Innovation Centre (AIIC), situated in between Nice and Cannes in an area hailed as France's Silicon Valley, has been set up to show Accenture's new and prospective clients how they can better engage with their customers through digital.

Accenture will aim to show companies how it can help them to develop digital products like mobile apps, as well as effective social media strategies and other customer service technologies.

Alex Naressi who heads up the new centre believes companies should start considering how they can learn from robots and use artificial intelligence Accenture

The AIIC, one of several around the world, is unique in its design, according to Alex Naressi, the Accenture MD who heads up the facility. He claims the AIIC has been inspired by the duality of the human brain as it "covers both the emotion and analytical implications of future digital experiences".

Speaking at the opening of the centre, Naressi said it has been designed to help companies reflect on how they interact with customers, find ideas to enrich these interactions and create new customer experiences.

Accenture said a team of its researchers and experts will be on hand at the AIIC to provide companies with insights on everything from digital customer interaction, in addition to changing customer behaviour. The Accenture staff will also demonstrate to clients what they consider to be the latest technologies and tools that can help companies understand consumers and steer their marketing, sales and customer service activity.

Companies will be invited into the AIIC for 1-2 day workshops that will be tailored to the industry the client operates in, the particular company's needs and the business challenges that company faces.

Accenture hopes many of the workshops will lead to servicing deals.

It specifically wants organisations to entrust their innovation in Accenture.

"We would like to become an innovation partner for our clients," said Anatoly Roytman, head of Accenture Interactive across Europe, Africa and Latin America.


Sam Shead