Almost three-quarters of enterprise app deployments are iOS, report finds

About 73% of enterprise mobile app deployments run on iOS, while 26.5% are Android-based and just 0.3% are made for Windows, according to a report released today by mobile app management company Apperian.

The firm’s analysis of its claimed 2 million mobile app installations around the world showed that North American companies favored iOS even more heavily, while Europe and Asia trended slightly more toward Android.

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The findings of Apperian’s report contrast sharply with global device sales figures, which show that Android devices have been dominating the marketplace lately. The latest edition of IDC’s quarterly smartphone report shows that Apple’s market share is just 13.5% worldwide, with Android manufacturers accounting for the lion’s share of the remainder.

Apperian also broke its data down by verticals and application types – sales and marketing apps were the most commonly seen, with field services and HR close behind, and the technology industry saw the most app use. IT services and consulting was the second-biggest vertical, followed closely by the public sector.

The company, in a separate study, surveyed 1,200 workers about mobile usage at their companies, and found that 71% spent at least two hours a week accessing company information via a mobile device. More than a third spent more than five hours a week doing this.

Apperian chief marketing officer Mark Lorion said in a statement that the large number of app deployments is due in part to apps rolling out to individual teams, rather than entire businesses.

“While there are examples of successful apps deployed across entire enterprises, we’ve seen some remarkably innovative apps that are fundamentally changing how business is done,” he said. “Even when only one or two apps are deployed to smaller organizations or single teams.”


Jon Gold