GE launches industrial Internet PaaS

GE took its industrial Internet platform to the cloud today with the announcement of Predix Cloud, a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering designed specifically for industrial data and analytics.

"Cloud computing has enabled incredible innovation across the consumer world. With Predix Cloud, GE is providing a new level of service and results across the industrial world," GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt said in a statement Wednesday. "A more digital hospital means better, faster healthcare. A more digital manufacturing plant means more products are made faster. A more digital oil company means better asset management and more productivity at every well."

Predix Cloud combines GE's deep domain expertise in IT and operational technology. It will provide features including the following:

GE businesses will begin migrating their own software and analytics to the PaaS in the fourth quarter of this year. The company will make the service commercially available to customers and other industrial businesses in 2016.

"A cloud built exclusively to capture and analyze machine data will make unforeseen problems and missed opportunities increasingly a complication of the past," Harel Kodesh, vice present and general manager of Predix at GE Software, said in a statement Wednesday. "GE's Predix Cloud will unlock an industrial app economy that delivers more value to machines, fleets and factories -- and enable a thriving developer community to collaborate and rapidly deploy industrial applications in a highly protected environment."

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Thor Olavsrud