Google fights wearable war on Apple's turf

Google is bringing the war to Apple’s home turf after announcing its Wear smartwatch platform will work with Apple’s iPhones.

The company is leveraging the different designs, styles and functionality of smartwatches running its Android Wear operating system to appeal to owners of an Apple smartphone.

iPhone users can use an Android Wear smartwatch to view notifications, log their fitness and perform searches through dictation to Google’s search assistant.

The move could result in Wear owners jumping ship to Google’s Android when it comes time to upgrade their smartphone.

An iPhone owner might want a smartwatch with a round face, for instance, in which case there is a larger range running Android Wear.

Bridging the divide between Wear smartwatches and iOS smartphones is Android Wear for iOS. The application will work the iPhone 5 and 6 generation of smartphones running iOS 8.2 and onwards.

LG’s Watch Urbane is the first Wear smartwatch to work with iPhones, although Motorola, Asus and Huawei’s upcoming smartwatches will be compatible, it was revealed in Google’s blog post.

The LG Watch Urbane goes on sale today at Telstra, Harvey Norman and JB Hi-Fi for $449. Release details and pricing for upcoming Android Wear smartwatches have yet to be announced.

An iPhone 6 working with Huawei's upcoming Watch wearable

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By Tony Ibrahim