Google shows off new batch of designer watch faces to dress up Android Wear

You can add a little more style to your Android Wear watch just in time for that big holiday office party.

Google announced some new options from brands like Zoe Jordan, Mango, Nicole Miller, and other designers. The faces are available in the Play Store now if you want to try any of them out. They’re also headed to the Android Wear app on the iPhone within a few days.

There’s been a lot of movement with Android Wear lately, especially given the new watches from Tag Heuer and Fossil.

Of course it hasn’t all been good news, as LG killed off its Watch Urbane Second Edition LTE due to hardware issues.

The impact on you: The beauty of a smartwatch is that you can change up the watch face whenever you want. It’s also one area where Android Wear has really excelled, with a lot of developers jumping on board with customization. You should also take this chance to get your watch in the Christmas spirit by exploring some holiday watch faces that’ll get attention during all those parties and family gatherings.


Derek Walter