Google unveils splashy new weather experience on Android

Google wants to get a whole lot better about delivering your weather report.

The company announced on the Inside Search blog a new, detail-rich display when you you ask the Google app about the weather forecast. There’s now a colorful screen with the day’s details, sunrise/sunset information, all complemented by a happy little frog.

Just like with other weather apps you can add various cities to your list for later retrieval. You can type in the term “weather” to get today’s forecast or use a voice command. To get the full experience, it’s best that you’re running the Google Now Launcher in order to hop into the weather right away via Google Now.

The impact on you: Android has several great weather apps, but you can’t beat the convenience of asking, “OK Google, how’s the weather” If you want the basics, Google’s new offering may be enough for you. Otherwise if you want more details or like to play with Doppler radar scenarios, a dedicated weather app or two is still your best bet.


Derek Walter