Grillmaker Char-Broil debuts two Wi-Fi-connected smokers

Char-Broil, known by outdoor chefs for its outdoor grills and smokers, joined the smart home revolution this week introducing the first ever Wi-Fi-connected smoker. The new smokers allow for remote monitoring and control of the smoker through a companion mobile app.

Two smokers are initially available with Char-Broil’s “SmartChef” technology, a larger 725 square inch smoker for $400, and a smaller portable version for $300. With the mobile app, users will be able to monitor internal meat temperature, estimated cook and done times, and the temperature inside the chamber itself.

Notifications will be sent directly to your phone when your smoker connects, the food is nearly finished or done, and when the device needs maintenance—such as the wood chips needing to be checked.

Why this matters: We shouldn’t be too surprised that connectivity is making it into our kitchen and cooking appliances. Companies like Char-Broil are catering to the on-the-go set, those with lives that have less and less free time. It wouldn’t be surprising to see SmartChef start appearing in the Char-Broil’s grills in the not too distant future.

Since your smoker will be connected to the cloud, Char-Broil says it will assist you in achieving a better results by taking external factors such as current weather conditions to ensure you get the best results.

“The complexity and time commitment of the smoking process has always been a barrier,” Char-Broil product management chief Brendan Anderson said in a press release. “We want to inspire a new generation of smoker consumers who want to monitor their smoker, anytime and anywhere on their connected devices.”

Wi-Fi connected grills are nothing new, though. Grill manufacturer Green Mountain Grills has had Wi-Fi grills on the market for a few months now. Anderson points out that these and other competitor’s technologies are only useable when the users is on the same Wi-Fi network as the grill: its included app does not work remotely.

The SmartChef smokers are currently not available at retail, but can be purchased directly through the company’s website or at Amazon.


Ed Oswald