Hitachi boosts Cloud SAP portfolio with oXya purchase

Hitachi Data Systems is set to acquire SAP Cloud service provider, oXya, in a bid to extend its portfolio of managed Cloud services.

The acquisition is expected to close by the end of March and is subject to customary closing conditions.

Upon the close of the acquisition, oXya, with more than 500 employees, will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Hitachi Data Systems and will continue to execute its current business model under oXya vice-president and chairman, Frederic de Belloy, reporting to Hicham Abdessamad, HDS executive vice-president, Global Services. oXya helps IT organisations manage private and hybrid cloud environments more easily, and designs the infrastructure for more effective and efficient implementations of SAP solutions, including the SAP HANA platform.

The acquisition will enhance the growing portfolio of HDS cloud and managed services.

Abdessamad said today's partners and customers demanded as-a-service options that enabled them to keep pace with market dynamics like cloud, while transforming the way they conduct business.

"oXya offers an expanded set of application-as-a-service offerings, both in private cloud and hybrid cloud," he said.

"They have vast experience with managing large SAP solution-based environments and a history of excellent customer satisfaction. He said the acquisition of oXya would enable HDS and its partners to extend its portfolio of managed cloud services and provide additional skills and expertise to enable Hitachi Unified Compute Platform solutions in environments running SAP solutions, including SAP HANA.

"With its software-as-a-service offerings for SAP solutions, oXya brings applications as a service, which is a frequent customer request and a bridge into solutions for analytics and Social Innovation." de Belloy said he was to grow the relationship beyond that of a Hitachi Cloud Service Provider to officially become part of the Hitachi Data Systems family.

"We are proud of the expertise and market leadership that we have built since our founding in 1998," he said.

Read more:5 for 15: Charles Woodall, ServiceNow head of service providers and integrators, Asia-Pacific and Japan

"Combining efforts with Hitachi Data Systems and its partners will allow us to deliver to customers even more innovative solutions to gain insights from their data while expanding global coverage for our services."

SAP executive vice president, strategic business development and ecosystem, Kevin Ichpurani, said the company was delighted with the expansion.

""We anticipate expanded Hitachi capabilities will further enable SAP customers to run simple, powered by SAP HANA."

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Brian Karlovsky