Hottest jobs, industries and cities for IT pay in 2015

There's good news in Computerworld's IT Salary Survey results this year: As the economy has continued to improve in the past 12 months, so has the percentage of respondents reporting that they received raises. This year, 67% of respondents reported a raise, with only 4% reporting a pay cut, compared with 60% reporting a raise and 8% reporting a pay cut in 2014.

What's more, for the first time since the economic downturn, we're seeing significant year-over-year gains in IT compensation. Total average compensation (salary plus bonus) is up 3.6% in 2015, versus 2.0% in 2014. This year, average salaries increased 3.6% and average bonuses increased 4.6%.

Read the full report: Computerworld IT Salary Survey 2015

But those with the right IT roles who work in the right industries and live in the right metro regions reported even stronger gains in pay. Following are the 10 job titles from all levels -- senior management, middle management and staff positions -- that saw the highest percentage increases in total compensation.

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