How to turn off (or turn on) landscape mode on the iPhone 6 Plus and 6s Plus home screen

With the iPhone 6 Plus and the new 6s Plus, you have the ability to use the home screen in landscape mode (with the iPhone held horizontally) or in portrait mode (the iPhone held vertically).

Given the preponderance of vertically-shot videos, you may not want the home screen to switch when your iPhone is in a horizontal position. Sure, it’ll move to a vertical position when you move your phone, but maybe you have your reasons for wanting the home screen to not switch at all. (Because annoying).

Or maybe you’re like me and you want the home screen to switch between landscape and portrait, but it seems stuck on portrait. It won’t switch anymore.

(To help you decide: Some Apple apps, like Contacts and Mail, display a two-pane interface when in landscape mode. Other apps, like Music and Activty, seem to work only in portait mode.)

Here’s how to turn on or off landscape switching for the home screen on the iPhone Plus. It’s actually not an intuitive setting to adjust, so don’t feel bad if you haven’t figured it out on your own. Also, if you want to turn off landscape switching, know that it comes with a compromise, as you’ll learn about in the steps below.


Roman Loyola