Microsoft goes back-to-back in winning top networking award

Last week was a big one for Microsoft's Albert Greenberg: The networking expert delivered the keynote address at SIGCOMM 2015 in London AND received the annual SIGCOMM Award, recognizing lifetime contribution to the field of communication networks.

Greenberg has been a distinguished engineer and director of development for Microsoft Azure Networking for the past 5 years, and before that, was a principal researcher for Microsoft Research. He earned the SIGCOMM Award for "pioneering the theory and practice of operating carrier and datacenter networks."

At SIGCOMM 2015, the annual conference of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM), Greenberg delivered his keynote address on the topic of "SDN for the Cloud." In other words, how software-defined networking powers Microsoft's Azure cloud platform. (You can read more about Greenberg's take on SDN for the Cloud in his Microsoft blog post.)

Last year, the SIGCOMM Award went to George Varghese, a principal researcher at Microsoft Research whose expertise lies in the area of network algorithmics.

The likes of Internet pioneers Vint Cerf and Radia Perlman have been past SIGCOMM Award winners.

MORE: Whirlwind tour of networking and computing's top awards, honors and prizes



Bob Brown