Mingis on Tech: Sierra, Siri and Pokemon, oh my!

It looks like Mac users will be spending a lot more time talking to their computers this fall -- unless they're busy playing Pokemon Go and wander off into traffic.

That's the upshot of our discussion about Apple's upcoming desktop operating system -- macOS Sierra -- which arrived last week as a public beta and will be out later this year for everyone else. The biggest advance, according to Apple expert Michael deAgonia, is the arrival of Siri, Apple's voice-activated assistant. It gives users a whole new way to get stuff done.

But the big news, as deAgonia, Executive News Editor Ken Mingis and Multimedia Editor Keith Shaw admit, is the arrival of Pokemon Go. The mobile game puts augmented reality in your hand -- and has quickly taken the world by storm. It already has as many users as Twitter, according to some estimates.

But there are ongoing concerns about privacy, and even safety, as some Pokemon Go players have headed to places where the two worlds, real and unreal, collide. Literally. A New York driver crashed his car while playing the game.

So is the game a menace to society or a fun-filled way to waste some time Tune in to find out our verdict.

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Ken Mingis