Mingis on Tech: The littlest iPhone, mystery gadgets -- and a payphone

Okay, so we knew Apple's iPhone SE, newly unveiled last month and only recently arriving in users' hands, is small. But wow, that 4-in. screen in the land of the iPhone 6S and 6S+ makes the SE seem positively Lilliputian!

Executive News Editor Ken Mingis, Apple guru Michael deAgonia and Senior Editor Keith Shaw debate the merits of the $399 SE and how hard it is to go small when you're used to big. Then Shaw plays a few rounds of "name-that-device" with Mingis and deAgonia, showing them some of the gadgets he came across in New York last week. (The point and shoot kids' thermometer seemed to be a hit.)

The strangest device of all The pay phone -- yes, the kind that you plunk coins into to make a call -- Shaw came across at Penn Station. What's old is new again indeed.

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Ken Mingis