MongoDB extends database to new users, adds enterprise features

MongoDB moved to open its NoSQL database to a wider range of users — including business analysts, data scientists and even executives — with its latest release, announced today..

MongoDB 3.2 adds a number of new tools and features to help data analysts, DBAs and operations teams integrate the database within their existing processes and toolsets. New features include the following:

"You can now connect MongoDB just like any other data source," says Kelly Stirman, vice president of Strategy and Product Marketing at MongoDB. "That opens up MongoDB to business analysts, data scientists and even executives. We think that's really exciting news."

"Compass is already proving to be a valuable tool in my arsenal," Nuri Halperin, owner of Plus N Consulting, added in a statement today. "The UI is excellent, making it easy to explore databases, collections, all the way to individual sub-documents. It is straightforward for anyone to build queries, without advanced knowledge of the MongoDB query language. Compass enables a much broader range of users in the organization to get value from MongoDB."

MongoDB has also added storage engines to the existing WiredTiger and MMAPv1 engines to make MongoDB 3.2 ready for more mission-critical use cases, especially for organizations in regulated industries:

MongoDB 3.2 also introduces data governance features to help organizations centrally define and enforce data quality rules throughout the database.


Thor Olavsrud