Prosecutors tighten case against alleged Silk Road mastermind

Due to a reporting error, the story "Prosecutors tighten case against alleged Silk Road mastermind" posted Wednesday, contains an incorrect spelling of the defense lawyer for the Silk Road case, Joshua Dratel.

The fifth paragraph should read:

"Ulbricht's defense lawyer, Joshua Dratel, argues that he handed off the site to other operators shortly after he started it. He rejoined immediately prior to his arrest, lured back in by the new operators to serve as a fall guy."

The first sentence of paragraph 15 should read:

"Dratel will have an opportunity to cross-examine Kiernan."

The 16th paragraph should read:

"That was Dratel's approach earlier in the day when he questioned the prosecution's previous witness, Department of Homeland Security agent Jared DerYeghiayan, who led the investigation of Ulbricht and coordinated his arrest."

The first sentence of the 17th paragraph should read:

"Dratel asked DerYeghiayan if he could provide direct evidence that Ulbricht operated the Dread Pirate Roberts account on any day other than that of his arrest."

The copy of the story on the wire has been corrected.

IDG News Service staff