Re-seeing the light: All is forgiven, Microsoft!

Once again we see that there is nothing Apple can possess that Microsoft cannot take away.

Vivek Wadhwa says “I used to doubt Microsoft. Then I installed Windows 10.” (Tip o’ the antlers to Adam Levy.)

Yes, unlike Windows 8, Windows 10 does not literally make you set your PC on fire out of sheer frustration! Is there no end to Microsoft’s genius Surely this is bad news for Apple.


Dude, the Macalope has run Windows, Linux, and Android on his MacBook. And his head looks like a Classic Mac. Try to get over yourself.

That’s a joke, of course. Not getting over himself is kind of Wadhwa’s thing.

Apple’s a religion, everybody. Get it

[No one in the class looks up.]

Microsoft applications run faster in Microsoft’s own operating system, you say Surely this stunning revelation changes everything.

OS X, we are left to presume, is the fruit fly-infested black banana of operating systems.

But after seeing this, all the years of a confusing interfaces and user experiences are forgiven.

If only someone made a version of Office for the Mac. OH, WELL.

I chose to use two different operating systems and was afflicted by inconsistent user interfaces. Also, I keep jabbing this pencil into my leg and I can’t figure out why my leg hurts so much.

Hashbrown humblebrag.

Microsoft’s key client base told you that Verrry interesting. This piece is as chock full o’ startling insights as that coffee is nuts. Here’s another:

It’s a shame that caring about users instead of CIOs hasn’t worked out for them.

It’s not a “lack of security.” It’s a lack of privacy. Take a gander at this delightful passage from Windows 10’s license agreement:

The Macalope is not a privacy expert, he’s not even an actual person, but from where he’s sitting this does not seem good for protecting your privacy.

And guess what! Nadella said it’s NBD!

Well, to be fair, this is exactly the kind of cozy-with-the-elite opining we’ve come to expect from the Washington Post. If we expected anything more than taking a person in power’s word for something, well, that’s on us.

You could barely see Nadella’s lips move when they did! They looked so lifelike!

True! It doesn’t do any good, but they can be turned off! Sometimes flicking a switch that does nothing just makes you feel better.

Truly our privacy-devouring overlords should be praised instead of pilloried. No reasonable person would deny this.

Privacy concerns are an outdated anachronism. So jejune. Very pre-Swiftian. Taylor, not Jonathan.

Microsoft 2.0! Now with all the same concerns you have about Google!

The Macalope has used Windows 10, and he agrees it’s easier to use than Windows 8 (not that that’s saying much). But in order to pay for this “free” operating system to run Office, the albatross of application suites, it appears you’ll either have to be a corporation or someone who doesn’t care that much about their privacy.

If only there were some other way.


The Macalope