Spotify apps allow users to see friend's most-listened to tracks

European startup Spotify today rolled out a new feature that lets users see which songs their friends are listening to most.

The music-streaming service, which came under attack from popstar sensation Taylor Swift recently over music royalties, already allows users to see what their friends are listening to but the new "Top Tracks in your Network" feature allows people to see the songs their friends have listened to most over the last week.

"Top Tracks in Your Network is a new chart showing the most played songs among the people you follow," wrote Spotify's Diego Planas Rego on the company's website today. "The more popular a song is with your friends, the higher it is up the chart. Refreshed daily, the new chart can be found in the Browse section under Top Lists. A drop down list of the people listening to the song can be found next to the track details."

The feature has been integrated across artist and album pages too so that users can see which of their friends have listened to a particular artist or album when they are browsing through Spotify's ever-expanding music catalogue.

It's available today on iOS and Android in Browse->Top Tracks, and will arrive on desktop soon.

Those users who want to keep their guilty pleasures a secret can choose to listen to Spotify tracks in a "private session".

The new feature comes shortly after Spotify announced it is teaming up with fast growing companies like Uber and Shazam, allowing users to stream their playlists through the stereo in their cab via the Spotify app and allowing Shazam users to have all their Shazams automatically added to a Spotify playlist, or choose a specific playlist to add tracks to.


Sam Shead