The Takeaway: Are IT shops getting a bad rap

It's no surprise that IT departments have something of a reputation as naysayers when corporate users come calling with tech requests.

But a recent survey by CompTIA strongly indicates that most business users are actually pretty happy with their IT departments: Fully eight in 10 see their relationship with IT as either positive or, at worst, neutral.

"Business units tend to view IT as a valuable partner rather than a hindrance," according to CompTIA, which found that 52% of business managers reported having a "good relationship" with IT. The survey collected data online from 275 business professionals and 375 technology professionals. CompTIA also conducted interviews for more depth on respondents' views.

Here's more detail on what the industry group asked, and what it learned:

Forrester analyst Gene Leganza said the need for security has helped improve the relationship between business workers and IT. "People recognize that security is important and IT is the place go," he said. Leganza also speculated that rogue IT projects have led to a "democratization" of technology issues that makes it easier for real collaboration between tech support and business.

"Things are more positive than they were five, 10 years ago," Leganza said.

With reports from Patrick Thibodeau at Computerworld.


Ken Mingis