Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet Alpha 2 release date, features and where to download it

The next version of the ever-popular Ubuntu Linux distribution is in development and it will be called Vivid Vervet. There are only a few letters left in the alphabet before Canonical will have to come up with a new naming convention, but for now, the alliteration can continue.

Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet Alpha 2 release date

The final release of Ubuntu 15.04 is scheduled to be 23rd April, with the release candidate expected on the 16th.

Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet: where to download Alpha 2

You can download the Ubuntu 15.04 Alpha 2 right now, but only as:

KubuntuLubuntuUbuntu GNOME

The full list of downloads is here. The main Ubuntu 15.04 Alpha 2 (with the Unity desktop) isn't yet available. So, if you choose to download one of the other variants, you won't get to see the new Unity desktop features.

The latest Kubuntu build includes the Plasma 5 desktop which better supports monitors with high pixel densities.

As with the Windows 10 beta, it's only for testing purposes and to get a feel for what the latest version of the Linux OS is like. It's not for installation on your main computer where you need a stable operating system.

You can also - as ever - get the nightly build of Ubuntu for 32- and 64-bit computers with Intel or AMD processors.

Using the desktop images means you can try Vivid Vervet Alpha 2 without actually installing it, and is the type of image most people will want to use.

We'll bring you more news on 15.04 Vivid Vervet soon.


Jim Martin