Yes, you can stream games from the Xbox One to the Microsoft HoloLens

Streaming Halo from an Xbox One to a Microsoft HoloLens is, by itself, pretty awesome—though not quite in the way that an average gamer might hope for.

Microsoft HoloLens program manager Varun Mani demonstrated streaming Halo 5 from his Xbox One console to his HoloLens in a video posted to YouTube on Tuesday. In the video, shot through the lens of the HoloLens augmented reality headset, Mani pivoted from playing the game on a wall-mounted HDTV to a virtual window affixed to his wall, “pinned” using the HoloLens.

Unfortunately, streaming the game to the HoloLens didn’t confer the ability to project the game in a 360-degree arc around him, allowing him to play the game in all directions. Instead, streaming the game created a virtual projection of a television in front of him—at probably slightly lower resolution and fidelity than the screen directly behind him. It’s not clear whether Mani was also holding an Xbox controller at the same time, although presumably he was.

Why this matters: This does mean, however, that a HoloLens owner will be able to lie back on the couch—or the porch, or anywhere where there’s a Wi-Fi signal—and kick back with some Xbox One games. And that’s pretty cool, given that you don’t also have to prop up a tablet somewhere, even if it’s a Surface with a kickstand. Will real hardcore gamers tolerate the added lag and loss of resolution to play a game like Halo or GTA V on a HoloLens No, probably not. But for those people, there are 4K mods—and PCs. 

Originally reported by Microsoft-News.


Mark Hachman