

A Sordid Tale


The technology staff tried to explain to her that what she thought was surfing was really those pop-up browser ads for porn sites. Some legit websites allow sponsored pop-ups for the porn-ad industry, and those erroneously make it look like the employee is frequenting porn sites.

Sometimes, the pop-ups keep coming up and that means that their activities look repetitive toward a porn IP address that they maynever have actually visited on their own. But the former CSO wouldn't take the time to listen, so some employees got fired for visiting pornsites they never actually visited.

Well, at least I now know why I've been treated as The Great Unwashed by some employees. Many security tyrants out there don't consider all angles to a potential security problem.

At least for now, my coworker's problem with pornography is solved, and the employees know that I am not the Ogre of Security Departments Past. Let's hope that will stick with them for a while.

Nevertheless, I'll need to continue to educate employees about security and try to figure out how to get them to trust my new security regime.

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