Father of SSL says despite attacks, the security linchpin has lots of life left


We have to build a mechanism to automatically update things. We did not do that. The right way to design, if we were to update things an updating protocol that automatically updates itself so when the next version comes up it knows where to find the next version rather than having to wait for a Windows update or whatever. I think there is technology that is known to the world to do that. And I hope people look for these things because honestly, every protocol will have roles for self-updating things. Nothing will remain secure forever. It's a bad idea actually to shoot for something that will be secure forever because we won't find any.

Do you see a way automatic updating could take place with SSL/TLS

I think it's not just TLS, I think it's the self-updating thing in general. It's a good idea, right

Are you working on that

Am I working on that No. It's something that exists but I'm not actually working on it.

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