

Managing Einsteins

Von Jack Ivancevich

Dealing with the Type: Eccentric Einsteins enjoy their eccentricity partially for the diversion it provides and partially for the identity it provides them within their tribe. Managing Eccentric Einsteins means allowing "healthy" expression of the eccentricity. Anything that doesn't interfere with workflow or with the professionalism of the office can and should be tolerated--even encouraged. Einsteins, like everyone else, seek to express their individuality. Immersion in the tribe takes that away. Expressing an eccentricity gives it back. Einstein managers can assist in this process by encouraging tasteful, non-disruptive expressions of eccentricity. Some examples would include posters, knick-knacks, toys, dolls, screen savers, tasteful conversation pieces, etc.

5. Disorganized Einsteins
Defining the Type: Have you ever walked into an Einstein's domain and felt disoriented by the clutter? Some Einsteins dwell in the nether regions of the company, surrounded by old computers, wires, components and other artifacts of their work. If you ask the Einstein who resides there to find something for you, he or she will track it immediately. What appears to be disorganized junk to managers is ordered chaos to the Einstein. The Disorganized Einstein does not want to spend a lot of time filing, organizing and arranging. They prefer to use loose organization principles. This is all right to a point, but their organized disorganization can easily cross the line to complete mess. When that happens valuable assets get lost, costs are incurred and time is wasted searching for needed items.

Dealing with the Type: There are several steps managers can take to deal with Disorganized Einsteins. One is to assign an individual--preferably not another Einstein--to keep track of the firm's physical assets. This may involve regular inventory checks, online asset management software and other asset tracking systems. At the same time, Disorganized Einsteins genuinely like being surrounded by the paraphernalia of their craft. Managers should allow Disorganized Einsteins to collect their own gadgets, technical papers, books and other stuff. However, they generally should not be placed in charge of assets that may be needed urgently by others in the organization.

6. Withdrawn Einsteins
Defining the Type: Withdrawn Einsteins are sub-optimized assets. Neither arrogant nor eccentric, Withdrawn Einsteins tend toward underachievement. There can be a host of factors lying behind Withdrawn Einsteins. Some are intrinsic and cannot be changed--being withdrawn is simply in the person's nature. Reasons for their reserve may due to environmental factors that have influenced their lives. Mostly, Einsteins are different: They've been different since their youth. They are brighter, smarter and prone to deeper analytic thoughts than their peers. Einsteins often adopt a withdrawing style to cope. Effective managers recognize the potential within Withdrawn Einsteins and strive to help them release it.

Dealing with the Type: Effective managing of Withdrawn Einsteins means overcoming their resistance to change and providing support during the transformation process. You can begin the transformation process by meeting privately with the Withdrawn Einstein and revealing what your performance expectations are. Your challenge is to bring Withdrawn Einsteins to the front of the pack. Several effective techniques to help Withdrawn Einsteins emerge include:

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